Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre (PCEC) has officially reopened its doors, following months of forced closure due to COVID-19.
The centre reopened over the weekend to host its first event back, with a strict COVID-safe plan in place.
Currently in WA, there is no upper limit on gatherings, however a ‘one person per two square metre’ rule applies.
For WA’s major sport and entertainment venues, a 50 per cent capacity rule applies.
WA’s border remains closed to all other states and territories.
PCEC general manager Nigel Keen said PCEC is excited to welcome WA-based attendees back to the centre in a COVID-safe environment.
“Clients can utilise the size and flexibility of our space to host events safely,” he said.
“We have over 16,000 square meters of event floor space and 20 dedicated meeting rooms and will be taking every precaution required by state health authorities to maintain the safety and wellbeing of our patrons.”
Keen applauded the work of Western Australia Premier Mark McGowan in handling the COVID-19 crisis.
“The steps taken by the premier and his government have awarded the WA business events and exhibition industry a much-needed opportunity to return to normal business activity as soon as possible,” said Keen.
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