Staging Connections yesterday launched two new audience engagement tools.
Designed to encourage awareness and participation by attendees, the new tools make it easy for event organisers to collect data and insights while capitalising on an event’s social currency.
Event Poll allows in-room and virtual audiences to participate in live polls via website voting or text messaging. The votes are counted and displayed in real time, with all insights and statistics delivered to event organisers post event.
Event Tweet works in a similar way, with in-room and virtual audiences able to see their tweets displayed onto a custom branded and moderated display, using a defined event hashtag.
Staging Connections managing director Tony Chamberlain said, “For nearly 30 years, Staging Connections has invested heavily in the development and delivery of solutions to maximise the interaction and engagement with event audiences.
“Combining the best technologies with the best people in events, we have managed to develop a series of easy-to-use tools that will offer unparalleled benefits for event organisers.
“The collection of Audience Engagement Tools will encourage two way communication through the event process in order to gather valuable data, that when utilised effectively, will exceed event objectives and deliver a higher return on investment (ROI) time after time.”
The tools have been developed to suit a variety of event styles including conferences, product launches, sales kick-offs, internal events, meetings, incentives, and gala dinners.