Read on for a full list of the event industry's many acronyms.

Our world of constant abbreviation has given rise to the relentless use of acronyms. Designed to make our life simpler, easier and more time-efficient, we often find ourselves wondering what the hell they mean.
But never fear: MEA (Meetings and Events Australia) has taken heed of our daily frustration and proceeded to provide us with a handy acronym list that includes everything on the events industry spectrum. From general examples such as BE for business events and ABS for the Australian bureau of Statistics, right down to the very specific TSVCB (The Townsville Convention Bureau).
- AACB Inc Association of Australian Convention Bureaux
- AACVB Asian Association of Convention and Visitor Bureaux
- ABEE Australian Business Events Expo (this has been renamed to Inspirex)
- ABS Australian Bureau of Statistics
- ACC Adelaide Convention Centre
- ACTA Adelaide Convention & Tourism Authority
- AEEC Adelaide Event & Exhibition Centre
- AFMEA Associate-Fellow of Meetings & Events Australia
- AHA Australian Hotel Association
- AIME AsiaPacific Incentives & Meetings Expo (Melbourne)
- AIMM Accredited In-House Meetings Manager
- AMM Accredited Meetings Manager
- ASCC Alice Springs Convention Centre
- BE Business Events
- BEA Business Events Australia
- BECA Business Events Council of Australia
- BCEC Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre
- BESydney Business Events Sydney
- BM Brisbane Marketing
- CCB Canberra Convention Bureau
- CCC Cairns Convention Centre
- CINZ Conferences & Incentives New Zealand
- CRCB Cairns & Region Convention Bureau
- CVB Convention and Visitors Bureau
- DCC Darwin Convention Centre
- DMC Destination Management Company
- EEAA Exhibition & Event Association of Australia
- EIBTM European Incentive Business Travel & Meetings
- GCCEC Gold Coast Convention & Exhibition Centre
- GCT Gold Coast Tourism
- HKTB Hong Kong Tourism Board
- IACVB International Association of Convention and Visitors Bureaux
- IAPCO International Association of Professional Congress Organisers
- ICCA International Congress and Conference Association
- IMEX The Worldwide Exhibition for Incentive Travel & Meetings & Events
- ISES International Special Events Society
- IT&CMA Incentive Travel and Conventions Meeting Asia
- IT&ME Incentive Travel & Meetings Expo
- ITO Inbound Tour Operator
- MEA Meetings & Events Australia
- MCEC Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre
- MCVB Melbourne Convention & Visitors Bureau
- MIAA Meetings Industry Association of Australia (trading as MEA)
- MPI Meeting Planners International
- NCC / NCCC National Convention Centre, Canberra
- NTCB Northern Territory Convention Bureau
- NVCB Newcastle Visitor & Convention Bureau
- PCB Perth Convention Bureau
- PCEC Perth Convention Exhibition Centre
- PCO Professional Conference Organiser
- PD Professional Development
- RSVP RSVP Trade Show Sydney & Melbourne
- RTO Registered Training Organisation
- SATC South Australian Tourism Commission
- SATIC South Australian Tourism Industry Council
- SCCB Sunshine Coast Convention Bureau
- SCEC Sydney Convention & Exhibition Centre
- SHFA Sydney Harbour Foreshore Authority
- SITE Society of Incentive & Travel Executives
- SOPA Sydney Olympic Park Authority
- TA Tourism Australia
- TABEE Team Australia Business Events Educational
- TCB Tasmanian Convention Bureau
- TNQ Tourism North Queensland
- TRA Tourism Research Australia
- TSVCB Townsville Convention Bureau
- TW Tourism Whitsundays Conventions Bureau
For a full list of acronyms, download the pdf here.