The South Australian Tourist Commission (SATC) held its annual TalkSA workshop in Sydney last week and the event proved once more to be a huge success for a select group of the state’s leading attractions.
SATC Inbound Marketing Manager Marc Leopold said TalkSA, held at Harbours Edge, was a success from both an attendance and operator perspective.
“We had a record number of 42 South Australian operators attending, including loads of new operators such as the Manna Hotel in Hahndorf, Wilderness Wanders from Port Lincoln and Tanonga Luxury Eco Villas and Wildnerness Wanders from Port Lincoln,” he said.
Belinda Barton (SATC), James Reeves (Banksia),
Gabby Ferguson (Qantas Holidays),
Marc Leopold (SATC), Sue Schulz (Prime Mini Tours)
TalkSA is an annual trade-related workshop where SATC takes SA operators across to meet with Sydney inbound, wholesale and industry contacts.
Leopold said for eastern seaboard trade partners it is a very useful way to meet with a large range of top South Australian tourism operators.