The event was put together by Funktionality, the recent Meetings & Events Australia (MEA) NSW award recipient for ‘NSW Special Event of the Year’ and featured a magical wishing tree as one of the event’s activities.
The tree gave attendees the opportunity to write and draw their wishes on big shiny leaves of red, green and purple, which were then hung on the tree with brightly coloured ribbons, creating a mass of foliage as the day progressed.
Funktionality event manager, Jen Rudland, said the clent had asked them to come up with a concept that would allow people to collect their thoughts and visions in an interactive way that was colourful and embraced participation.
“We worked to find the best people to create a design that was not only logistically workable in a festival environment and created from fully recycled materials, but had real presence — from bare branches to heavy boughs of leaves,” she said.
“[Local artist] Ingrid and I had fantastic discussions and flashbacks during the design phase, remembering HR Pufnstuf and The Folk Of The Faraway Tree, and the final design was just absolutely perfect.”
“Activities like this really reinforce the importance of getting people together, having fun, and valuing our communities. And it’s also about taking the time to ask questions, listen to answers and find out what’s important to people’s hearts and lives,” she said.
To learn more about Funktionality’s creative solutions for events, click here.