1. Eligibility: This draw is open to individuals who are at least 18 years of age and work on business events.
2. How to Enter: To enter the draw, participants answer the question correctly and complete the submission form.
3. Opting-in: All entrants agree to receive regular communications from Spice and its affiliated brands, as a Spice newsletter subscriber. (Entrants may unsubscribe at any time.)
4. Prizes: The prizes are stated in the contest announcement. No cash alternative will be offered.
5. Winner Selection: Winners will be chosen at random from all correct and eligible entries.
6. Notification: The winner will be notified by email within 7 working days of the prize draw.
7. Liability: The promoter of the giveaway is not responsible for any loss or damage, or any expenses incurred, caused from participating in the draw or acceptance of the prize.
By participating in the draw, entrants agree to be bound by these terms and conditions.