The funding is part of the Regional Business Events Program being delivered by Business Events Victoria, in partnership with Melbourne Convention Bureau, to grow tourism across regional Victoria, boosting local economies by supporting new events, attractions and accommodation for visitors.
The program supports national and international businesses to host conferences, trade events and meetings in regional Victoria.
Funding is available from the Victorian Government across two streams: the National Business Events Program and the International Incentives Event Program.
The National Business Events Program offers grants up to $80 per delegate – to a maximum of $40,000 – for eligible event organisers to host new business events yet to be booked in regional Victoria.
This funding can be utilised by organisations for events costs including accommodation, venue hire, food and beverage, and transport.
The International Incentives Event Program offers $150 per delegate for new international incentive initiatives yet to be booked, which includes an overnight stay in regional Victoria.
“Business Events Victoria’s focus is on attracting national conferences to regional destinations across the state that align with key regional industries,” says Business Events Victoria’s executive officer, Adeline Keh.
“This funding will go a long way to encourage and support these important events for Victoria, strengthening business prospects across communities throughout the state.
“Through the National Business Events Program’s previous rounds of support, 55 business events received funding to be held in regional Victoria, delivering $13.23 million to local communities.”