The Hub is a lounge-style space located in the centre of the show floor, and is the go-to place for visitors to work and network over the two-day event. ServiceIQ provided updates on its industry training programmes, while Reserve Group demonstrated the CINZ online event planning tool on the show floor. Independent consulting company TMS.Workshop will also profiled their training workshops and shared insights into retaining and inspiring staff in the business events sector.
In recent years CINZ has established other successful education initiatives, including Mentorship and Emerging Talent programmes, Masterclasses and a Diploma qualification for experienced professionals.
Today at MEETINGS, CINZ will run a Masterclass for New Zealand’s leading professional conference organisers. Topics include the latest trends in conference space design, and an in-depth look at conference insurance.
The CINZ Mentorship Programme is now in its fourth year, and is successfully delivering business event professionals with additional personal and career guidance and advice.
“What we want to do is grow the skills of our people and strengthen the networks within our industry so that everyone is at the top of their game. This programme is designed to create valuable relationships and lead to significant personal growth,” Sue Sullivan added.
The CINZ Emerging Talent programme has been running in Auckland and Wellington for two years, and is designed to meet the needs of up-and-coming professionals and give them valuable network building opportunities.
“This programme is giving young professionals the stepping stones they need to build their professional networks and assist them as they progress in their careers into management positions,” she says.
For more experienced professionals looking to advance their qualifications, CINZ and ServiceIQ have worked together to run the New Zealand Diploma in Tourism Conventions and Incentives (Level 5) with strands in Conference Organisation, Convention Bureau, Incentives Planning, and Venue Sales and Operations.
Every year before MEETINGS, CINZ offers Event Management and Hospitality and Tourism Management students from Auckland University of Technology (AUT) internship opportunities at CINZ MEETINGS.
“Several of our AUT students have walked away with excellent job opportunities after gaining their first hands-on experience at MEETINGS,” she says.