Applications for the Emerging Leaders program have opened and are due by 5pm Monday 10 October 2022.
The Exhibition & Event Association of Australasia (EEAA) and the Association of Australian Convention Bureaux (AACB) are taking applications for their Emerging Leaders program.
Led by EEAA Director and Leading Well Executive Coach, Dan Londero, the leadership development program was designed to support the new wave of business events industry leaders as they transition from good managers to excellent leaders.
Two long-term supporters of Emerging Leaders, Business Events Australia and Ungerboeck, are sponsoring thirty scholarships so the program can be completed at no cost.
Tourism Australia executive general manager, commercial and Business Events Australia, Robin Mack said Business Events Australia was proud to support 20 Emerging Leaders to build and develop their skills through the scholarship program.
“Supporting the development of our industry, to ensure Australia delivers high calibre business events and remains a competitive business events destination internationally, is especially important at this critical time for the sector,” Mack said.
A longtime supporter of young leaders, Ungerboeck APAC marketing director Charlotte Cailleaux said it was great to sponsor 10 Emerging Leaders for this opportunity.
“At Ungerboeck we have a proud tradition of supporting the younger generation to move through the ranks as our leaders of the future, and this program provides an excellent foundation to support that.”
EEAA chief executive officer Domenic Genua has worked closely with Emerging Leaders over the past year and said he has seen their potential for great success.
“I have been fortunate to work with some of our Emerging Leaders, and I am encouraged by the talent our industry has. This is an excellent program to prepare them to lead our industry into the future,” Genua said.
AACB chief executive officer Andrew Hiebl said the collaboration was a critical step in helping drive recovery of the sector.
“AACB is excited to collaborate with EEAA on this program to provide a streamlined pathway for Emerging Leaders across our industry, including convention bureaux. It is critical that we come together to support tomorrow’s leaders and help drive the recovery and rebound of business events in Australia,” Hiebl said.
The program consists of three elements including a briefing for the employer, two one-day coaching sessions, and a one-on-one session with a Leading Well Executive Coach. All participants will receive recognition at the EEAA Awards Gala event on Wednesday 7 December 2022 at the International Convention Centre Sydney.