New research undertaken by Tourism Australia’s specialist business events unit indicates a strong outlook for Australia’s business events industry and positive interim outcomes out of the recently launched Business Events Australia global brand campaign.
The 2022 Business Events Consumer Demand Project (CDP) delivers insights into the factors influencing decision makers when choosing a destination for events, including how Australia is perceived and the impact COVID-19 has had on the decision-making process.
Tourism Australia Executive General Manager of Commercial and Business Events Australia, Robin Mack, said the results of the research found that decision makers are feeling increasingly confident with travelling and running events abroad, and many are expecting the number, size, and budget for events to be equal to, or greater than pre-pandemic levels.
“It’s fantastic to see that decision makers remain optimistic about the future of events and that there is a strong intention to visit Australia for an event over the next two years,” Mack said.
“Amongst incentive decision makers, Australia is the global leader in consideration, and we have experienced significant increases in appeal and intent over the last 12-months. For association decision makers, Australia is considered an appealing destination with several positive attributes, including being ranked number one in the world for our quality of business events facilities.
“Throughout the pandemic we have worked hard to maintain Australia’s presence internationally and optimally position Australia as a business events destination for reopening. The research confirms our strategy to invest in marketing during the pandemic has worked and we anticipate Australia’s business events industry will benefit as a result.”
The research also confirmed a strong performance of the new Business Events Australia brand campaign, recently launched to capitalise on the reopening momentum and position Australia as a global leader in business events.
“After only two months in market, over one in two target customers recall seeing the advertising and 87 per cent of those stating they had already taken positive steps in relation to planning a business event in Australia as a result of the campaign,” Mack said.
“Amongst decision makers in the incentive sector, 92 per cent of decision makers found the campaign appealing and 90 per cent said the campaign increased their likelihood of holding an incentive event in Australia; while for the association sector, 86 per cent of decision makers found the campaign appealing and 80 per cent said the campaign increased their likelihood of holding an association event in Australia.”
“The creative strategy is designed to be highly unique and speak to distinct drivers of each sector, and this research confirms the approach is successful in achieving cut through and driving demand across both incentive and association sectors.”
The research is part of Tourism Australia’s broader strategy to bolster Australia’s business events industry and fast track recovery as we emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic. The findings help inform Tourism Australia’s international business events strategy and activity.
The research surveyed 159 association decision makers from three of Australia’s key markets and 399 corporate decision makers from nine key markets from May to June 2022.