Sydney Showground’s Big Experiences launch took place in the brand spanking new 10,000 square metre multi-purpose building that is now open for business.
Kicking off with the ‘Arts Preview’ of The Sydney Royal Easter Show Arts and Craft show, the addition of Hall 5 and 6 expands the Sydney Showground’s pillarless exhibition offering to over 32,000 square metres of floor space.
Of the new brand, Sydney Showground general manager Peter Thorpe said, “Big is what differentiates us in the market place and we want to ensure that all of our customers, their customers and most importantly, their visitors have a ‘Big Experience’ each and every time they attend an event at Sydney Showground.
“The new brand has been twelve months in the making and involved extensive research and surveying of our clients, prospects and other key stakeholders. It was through this research and subsequent workshops that our ability to do ‘Big’ well was identified. We also identified other areas that needed a bit of polish or upgrade and have taken steps to address these as well.
“The launch of the new brand coincides with the opening of our wonderful new facility. Both of these achievements show that Sydney Showground is serious about supporting the events industry and is prepared to follow through on what we promise.”
The mobile-friendly Sydney Showground website has been relaunched alongside sister site www.bigexperiences.com.au