Peppers Noosa Resort and Villas will plant a tree for every delegate package sold.
The resort has partnered with Noosa and District Landcare Group (NDLG), and will plant a tree for every day delegate package sold. The trees will be planted on an endangered Regional Ecosystem [12.3.1] in Kin Kin, in the local UNESCO recognised Noosa Biosphere area. A mix of tree species will be planted to encourage as much diversity as possible.
NDLG will also kindly donate Richmond Birdwing Butterfly vines (Pararistolochia praevenosa) to plant in the area which will provide much needed native flora for this endangered butterfly species.
GPS coordinates will be provided to delegates so they can see where their tree is located, and should they return to Peppers Noosa Resort and Villas for another event, they can facilitate a site visit for delegates to see the trees that have been planted. A certificate of appreciation will be sent to the conference organiser post-event detailing the number of trees that their event has generated.
Furthermore, $2 per day from every day delegate package sold will go to the Luke Batty Foundation which raises awareness about family violence through education, advocacy and campaigning.