The Convene team are getting ready to launch Convene South East Australia in June 2018.
Canberra has been chosen as the host city for the one day expo that will showcase venues, accommodation, attractions, destination management and other business events products and services from New South Wales, Australian Capital Territory, Victoria, South Australia and Tasmania.
The new show will be held at the Canberra Convention Centre on 5 June 2018.
The event joins ‘sister shows’ Convene Queensland in Brisbane, Convene North in Auckland and Convene South in Christchurch as well as the Pacific Area Incentives and Conferences Expo (PAICE) in Auckland, all of which are organised by ProMag Publishing.
ProMag director and Convene manager Allyssa Eastaugh says the recently launched Singapore Airlines service between Wellington and Canberra was another factor making the Australian Captial Territory city a logical choice to host the latest addition to the stable.
“New Zealand is still the largest business events source market for Australia’s eastern seaboard and this Wellington – Canberra flight adds more connectivity between the two countries’ decision makers in the civil and corporate sectors. Convene South East Australia is in a prime position to act as a conduit for these New Zealand business events organisers to do business with suppliers in the south eastern States of Australia,” said Eastaugh.
Convene South East Australia will incorporate the established Convene Knowledge program, pre-event famils to participating regions, a welcome networking function, hosted buyer program and partial appointment schedule for exhibitors.