Association of Australian Convention Bureaux (AACB) members have together secured more than 600 domestic business events, scheduled to occur from January 2019 out to 2023.
The latest analysis of bids shows an increase of 119 business events on the Forward Calendar compared to the position 12 months ago.
The additional events will attract approximately 250,000 Australian delegates, plus an additional 7400 from overseas.
The biannual release of the Forward Calendar of Domestic Business Events revealed 67 per cent of domestic association conventions included a trade component.
AACB CEO Andrew Hiebl said it was pleasing to see an increase in exhibitions, which further supports Australian businesses to promote their products and services.
“With the increase in domestic business events secured for the future, it is evident that convention bureaux across Australia are working hard for their members and partners, contributing positively to Australia’s economy, and facilitating knowledge and skills transfer that lifts business productivity,” he said.
“A strong calendar of domestic business events also provides a solid platform to bid for international opportunities.”
Among the top three industry sectors represented on the forward calendar were health care and social assistance, education and training, and professional, scientific and technical services.