Meetings and Events Australia (MEA) has struck a partnership with Centium Software, developers of EventsAIR, to launch its Social Legacy research project designed to capture the details of the donations events contribute to local communities and charities as part of corporate social responsibility programs.
The Social Legacy platform will be hosted on the MEA website and will enable event owners and organisers to record the many donations of time, supplies and financial support that this sector contributes to social programs and charities across Australia and to international organisations.
These stories will then enable MEA to measure these contributions and to continue to advocate and promote the value of the event sector.
Robyn Johnson, CEO of MEA, said, “In 2014 the Business Events Council of Australia carried out research on the economic impact of business events however, these events also contribute enormously to local charities and communities that that was not picked up in this research”.
Trevor Gardiner, CEO of Centium Software said, “Centium Software is very proud to partner with MEA on this research initiative. This information has long gone under the radar and I commend MEA for taking a lead on capturing the many stories of “giving back” by the business events sector.
It is proposed that these stories will be available annually together with a report card on the estimated value that business events contribute to Australia’s social and economic prosperity.
The first report will be available at the end of 2018.
Meanwhile, MEA has also received confirmation from the Australian Skills Quality Authority that its registration as a trainer provider has been extended until 2024.
“MEA is very pleased to have its Registered Training Organisation status confirmed. In the current environment it is critical that, as the events industry’s peak body, MEA continues to create and deliver vocational education and training for the Australian events sector that keeps professional standards high to help ensure long term sustainability,” said Robyn Johnson.
As a result, MEA has developed a new education program offering flexible training and a learning tool designed so that study can easily be managed around work commitments.
“This is an extremely valuable training tool as it will combine online learning with practical presentations and, as a bonus, include access to MEA’s professional development and networking programs.”